Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 6 Alcoholism

Module 6 Alcoholism

Q What do you think? Should a person suffering from alcoholism be considered mentally ill? Should those disorders be in the same category and viewed the same way as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? Why or why not? Please give clear, concise arguments to support your point of view.

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• I believe Alcoholism should in fact be treated as a mental illness. My father struggles with alcohol abuse and I know that in his case, his alcoholism stems from psychological issues. On time, when my dad was somewhere between drunk and sober I asked why he drank. He cried and told me that he doesn't know. I believe alcoholism is a product of a bigger problem. Alcoholism isn't a mental illness but it's a symptom of one. There is an underlying cause that is causing people to turn to alcohol to deal with their problems. I asked some of my family memebers who have also had to deal with my father's alcoholism and some said that it is a choice he has made and that we shouldn't waste resources on someone who chose to be an alcoholic but that is not true. Alcoholism might be a choice but so is therapy.